1.In many ways, I look like the "typical" American girl. I am an average size, have blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile when I'm nervous.
2.Although the average size of our investments tends to be bigger than that of our competitors, we seem to be missing opportunities.
3.The average size of the stores it has acquired is 8, 000 square feet; a typical out-of-town Asda might be six times larger.
4.On an average size of 1000 km, these cells are made of hot gas rising from inside the Sun.
5.The average size of the bubbles may be increased and their number decreased as a result of bubble collision , adherence, and coalescence .
6.DNA mobility is related to its charge and the average size of the fragment as it twists and tumbles through the gel.
7.It is sufficient to just add the average size of the LOB values that are expected and add that to the total heap size .
8.Average Greeting Size is the average size, in seconds, of recorded greetings that have been retrieved by the UM server.
9.We found that mail files of the same size can use significantly different resources, depending on the average size and number of documents.
10.This number of disk reads per second is expected, as the average size of a disk read is around 256 KB.